Modulisme, So. 20.2., 20-22h

Zwei Sessions mit Buchla-Synthesizern: Buchlaïsms I & II aka Modulisme Session 021 und 022

Buchlaïsms is bursting out as a companion to the Modulisme series ITATIOM, dealing with “Inventors Talking About Their Instruments Or Modules”. A mammoth of a collection gathering works documenting the use of one of the most innovative “musical vessels” ever designed, whose extent of the sound spectrum does not seem to belong to this world and the logic lies apart from everything that may have existed before its creation in 1963.

To me, Philippe Petit, the founder of Modulisme, it sounded incredible that such genius like Buchla synths had not been properly documented yet: so now offering two hours of music for you to enjoy! I feel grateful that so many talented composers have agreed to contribute their music, and I am proud to introduce some newer names as well as some pioneers.

Buchlaïsms I (Modulisme Session 021)

Buchlaïsms II (Modulisme Session 022)